La Luce

Pesto Sauce

Category: Primi


1 lb. Fresh basil
1 oz. Unsalted butter (Plugra)
3 c. Olive Oil (Unio)
ΒΌ c. Toasted pine nuts
1 ea. Garlic clove
4 oz. Pecorino, grated
4 oz. Parmesan, grated
Kosher salt, and black pepper to taste


  1. Blanch basil in hot boiling water, cool it down on ice bath, Drain water off basil and squeeze until all liquid is out.
  2. Place basil in a cambro, add olive oil, garlic, pine nuts, salt, pepper and butter.
  3. Mix ingredients in blender for about 3 minutes until smooth, at the end add Parmesan and pecorino, blend it again for 10 seconds.
  4. Adjust seasoning.